050622erdenechimegb w‰ŠϊƒZƒ~ƒi[x‚Ι‚¨‚―‚鏬˜_

gDo Muslims maintain Terrorismh

Battsagaan Erdenechimegi‰F“s‹{‘εŠw‘ΫŠw•”‘ΫŽΠ‰οŠw‰Θ1”NΆj


              Terrorism is becoming a huge problem in global society. And many innocent people are killed in this cruel violence. Most people think that a few Muslims (people whose religion is Islam) are the brain behind terrorism. People amazed if there is any reason to do such evil in Islamic religion! And it also gives us bad image about Islam too. Islam is noticed as very strict religion. But in fact it seems not as strict as we think about it. And we cannot say distinctly Muslims are doing or supporting terrorism.

        Islam, one of the biggest religions has 1400 years` history, aspiring global peace. In addition to that Islam is a word meaning gpeaceh. Muslims abidance the rule that is written in Quran. The Quran is the same as a Constitution for Islamic religion. There are contains many rules and policies on how to relate other nations and basic rules for them. Muslims behave gthere is only God <Allah> who want to make peace in the whole world. Allah join Muslims to realize his will (making peace a reality on the earth) and also give them a permission to gfighth people who create hurdles in the path of creating peaceh.

But Quran teaches there will not be compulsion in religion. It means Muslims want to be friendly with other religions such as Buddhism or Christianity. Unfortunately many people misunderstand that Muslims have very strong feeling of dislike toward non-Muslims. Anyway there is no problem to express your opinion in the Muslim society.

 The word FIGHT sounds a little bit different to Muslims. There are two words that are often mistranslated to mean the same thing in Arabic. One is gjihadh and other is gqitalh. Both of them are mistranslated to means FIGHT. In fact there is a big difference between them. They are synonyms.

l         Jihad- is described as a long hard fight to get freedom. It means if someone oppresses you, you should fight against that. In other words Jihad has the meaning to the word self-defence

l         Qital- is used as the same meaning with gbattleh.

I think this is a problem to make such a serious mistake. Because extremists justify themselves by this misappropriating those meanings. Muslim extremists get their justifications from some verses of Quran. But common quotations are from the verse that were written during the struggle of Muslims against the group of Makkans. Of course it was self-defence of early Muslims. It was the Jihad. Nevertheless extremists` those aggressions are neither Jihad nor Qital. Because no body (but they) can say they are aiming at world peace. Maybe their actions are almost for political purpose. And terrorists kill non-combatants, destroy not only buildings but also churches and mosque (building like church where Muslims worship). There is nobody who wants them to fight. Also nobody fights with them. Because of that their act is not also war (qital)! All the things they are doing is condemned in Islamic law. Even during the war Muslims do not kill non-combatants. Muslims take the highest value on human life and a little bit more than animals. Like destroy any life with no reason is also a condemned act. Killing one person unlawfully is like destroying whole universe. These are only few differences between Islamic and the Terrorism. Every Muslims who believe in Islam from their heart leads a peaceful happy life, are different from terrorists. There are many rules for global peace and not for terrorism in Quran.





http://www.islam101.com/terror/iatConv.html wrote this essay on readings some dialogues with one of Muslims. gInterest in Religionsh a book, was printed in 2000 in Mongolian. And used help from my friend whose religious is Islam.